Author: drross


Scientific Method Hardly Scientific

It’s one of the biggest contradictions. The scientific method by definition isolates variables and observer in pursuit of objectifiable empirical data. All scientific studies rely on this standard and any […]


The Effect of Lifestyle

I probably sound like a broken record, but I can’t stress enough the importance of a healthy lifestyle in achieving and maintaining health. Everyone wants to be healthy, but how […]


America Runs on Dunkin

Each time this commercial comes on t.v. I comment to my wife how frustrating it is to see these foods/drinks being promoted. Yesterday she said, “but it’s true, America does […]


Ben Shen

These two words have much import in my medicine (and in my personal life: it is the names of my first two children). Ben is the root or the source. […]



A few quotes that struck me today…… “If one believes in only what modern nihilists can see, one cannot believe that there is anything beyond ordinary existence. With this view, […]


Age and Fertility

While there is no question that age is related to reproductive capability, I often see infertility patients who feel pressured into the western assisted reproductive technologies (“ART”) in the fear […]