Tag: chinese medicine


The Effect of Lifestyle

I probably sound like a broken record, but I can’t stress enough the importance of a healthy lifestyle in achieving and maintaining health. Everyone wants to be healthy, but how […]


Ben Shen

These two words have much import in my medicine (and in my personal life: it is the names of my first two children). Ben is the root or the source. […]


Age and Fertility

While there is no question that age is related to reproductive capability, I often see infertility patients who feel pressured into the western assisted reproductive technologies (“ART”) in the fear […]


The Role of Intention

One of the least talked about aspects of medicine and healing is the role that our intention plays in this process. And healing most definitely is a process. Most healing […]


Breast Cancer

A nice article on breast cancer. Interestingly, I just heard today that it takes approximately 8 years for breast cancer to show up on a mammogram. Best protection is early […]


Cancer Theories

This was an article I wrote just after graduating from Chinese medical school. I have just read it for the first time in many years and thought I’d share it. […]


Nail Biting

As nail biting is so common I thought I would share a case of how Chinese medicine can treat even such a seemingly benign habit by understanding and reframing the […]


Skin Brushing

The following is an excerpt from The Complete Book of Chinese Health & Healing, by Daniel Reid: One of the best ways to cleanse the entire lymphatic system is by […]


Healthy Nutrition

Proper nutrition is one of the most important things that we can do to ensure good health. In Chinese medicine, we say that the Spleen-Pancreas (hereinafter Spleen) is responsible for […]